This is a truly shocking story on the background of Gerry Adams. It is a serialisation from the Sunday Times of a book to be published this week. Voices from the Grave by Ed Moloney is due out within days.
Sunday, March 28
Gerry Adams had (Jean) McConville disappeared.
This is a truly shocking story on the background of Gerry Adams. It is a serialisation from the Sunday Times of a book to be published this week. Voices from the Grave by Ed Moloney is due out within days.

Saturday, March 27
Gerry's new provo birdie.
Click on image to enlarge
The cost of hiring the helicopter is two grand per day. I wonder if Sinn Fein ever stop to think that while Gerry Adams' constituents look on at the helicopter descending into Casement park for him to board, they may not have the price of a black taxi into town? I find it strange that a socialist party like Sinn Fein would go for this sort of extravagance when everyone else is tightening their belts due to job losses and low wages?
The paper is highlighting the fact that the grounds are meant to be politically neutral, and therefore the helicopter should not have landed there, but in my opinion the extravagence is much worse than the symbolism of a helicopter descending into Casement park.

Paisley asked what would be your epitaph?
Meeting Jack Reacher.
It was a decent interview by one of Northern Irelands newest authors and first up was the story going around that Jack Reachers name came from Child's wife. The story goes that after he got fired from his job in the media Childs was at home and went to the supermarket with his wife and the women he encountered there kept asking him to reach up to get them stuff of the higher shelves. When eventually Childs told his wife that he was going to write a book, she said to him, well you can call one of your characters 'Reacher', and thats how our Jack was born.
There were many interesting little stories like that. Another was that Childs likes to drink his coffee from a white plain china mug, and in 61 Hours when he is offered a cup of coffee by Mrs Salter she gives it to him in exactly that. Childs talked about his characters and who he named them after, some of the more nasty characters were called after former work colleagues that Childs wasn't so fond off, and he claims that they probably know which was a source of amusement to us all. All the little quirks of this author were told and it made him not only seem so human but gave a rather good insight into how he wrote his books, and produced his story for his publishers.
He took questions from the floor and the question I asked was why did he chose an MP for Reacher instead of special ops which would have made things much more easier for the character considering the nature of what he did, and Childs replied because it had been done so many times so well before that he wanted to do it a little different. Styles of writing were discussed, as well as the rivalry between genre writers and literary writers, but in terms of popularity Childs believes that genre writers beat the literary scribes hands down in terms of popularity.
A tall thin man whose father had been born in Belfast and whose cousin was in the audience, he gave an entertaining talk for almost two hours. The event was run by 'no alibis' book store in south Belfast and it was altogether an event worth attending.

Tuesday, March 23
A nice mural from East Belfast.
Sunday, March 21
James Larkin with arms outstreched on a Sunday evening.
Saturday, March 20
Is this your living room?
Sunday, March 14
A dietless Mothers day
Tomorrow is another day I guess, and as Kate Moss once said 'no food tastes as good as skinny'. It's time to get back on track, curb my appetite for goodies and reduce my portion sizes.
Mothers Day
Friday, March 12
Blogger now gives you profile images for embedded posts
Today I realised for the first time that images are now available for embedded posts on slugger. I tried it out and this is what I have found,
If your blog does not automatically have this feature simply go to settings then comments and enable profile images. That is how easy it is!
Monday, March 8
Strictly come dancing in Glasgow’s SECC.
blasting out his melodious tunes, Scotland the Brave being the one we heard there. This is a vibrant city, friendly inhabitants and well worth a visit.
Sunday, March 7
St Patricks day

Since I haven’t blogged in a while..
Since I haven’t blogged in a while I thought I’d write something on this blog now that I’ve updated the style of it to something I like, and to something that resembles an actual diary.
I really tried hard to get the word press theme but couldn’t so this one will have to do instead. I need to start writing again, I’ve lots of notes from the world literature class that I go to each Wednesday, and from the Revolution in the 1960’s Ireland – which have been hugely interesting and have taken up a lot of my time. I’ll be posting them soon, once I find the time.