The best and simplest example of writing about what is close is Kavanagh's poem 'My Room'.
'My Room', it may be a musty attic but the little window lets in the stars. Kavanagh doesn't try to describe the stars, he simply describes what is close and the stars illuminate it. That's getting it right.

'My Room'
Ten by twelvePatrick Kavanagh
And a low roof
If I stand by the side-wall
My head gets the reproof.
Five holy pictures
Hang on the walls:
The Virgin and Child
St Patrick our own
St Anthony of Padua
Pope Leo XIII and the Little Flower.
My bed in the centre
is many things to me:
A dining table
A writing desk
and a slumber palace.
My room is a musty attic
But its little window
Lets in the stars.

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