Tuesday, January 12

Playing with photos via live writer.

 Here is a picture taken in Belfast of C.S. Lewis who wrote the Lion the witch and the wardrobe. P240509_16.28
Due to the functions on live writer it is possible to make a photo look old, or a newspaper cutting and indeed as done here have a reflection underneath it which is marvellous for scenic shots.  There is no need for any kind of photoshopping – its simply a click and its done.  Marvellous for making your blog pictures look nice.

Friday, January 8

Starting the new year .

I’ve not posted since  before the new year, I’ve had these photos sent to me from my son in Dubai, where the worlds tallest building opened recently.Get777
According to one article I read over Christmas Dubai is the Las Vegas of the middle East.  It’s definitely a place that buzzes with life but in my honest opinion the recession has had a powerful impact there like everywhere else.  I’m told the number of tourists has dropped and many ex pats are returning home due to the recession.